Scottish Paranormal Spirit Box



6.99 usd

PLEASE NOTE THIS APP ONLY WORKS ON DEVICES UP 10 ANDROID 10.IF USED ON ANDROID 11 DEVICES IT MAY GIVE PROPLEMS OR NOT WORKThis is made for ITC investigators and hobbyist who want to have a chance ofcommunicating with spirits and non-physical energies.But please use this app with respect and common sense.Video Here - app consists of 4 banks which have been reversed and chopped to file sizes 150ms to 350ms, thus eliminating false positives, pareidolia and confirmation bias.The four banks have sliders that control the amount of audio heard, thus giving the users the ability to set up a session to their pleasing. There are no perfect settings, this is massively up to the user as we each have our own preferences for spirit communication. From the top of the screen as follows:Four banks with start-stop button and audio limiter.Speed control slider, the user can adjust and set the speed they prefer Echo slider, the user can set the amount of delay needed (please note works better with a external speaker)At the bottom of the screen as follows:Bottom left is the echo on and off buttonBottom right is the power on and off buttonThe 4 small lights are the bank firing lights.PLEASE NOTE THIS APPLICATION IS NOT FOR USE BY CHILDRENWe will update with in-depth instructions (Video format included) along with examples of captures and hypothetical information to assist in your spirit communication sessions. All funds raised will be reinvested into new organisation projects, Free apps & for the further advancement of the paranormal research conducted.Videos: * New 2019 Spirit Box App - My Settings & Advice:* New 2019 Spirit Box App - Jonathan (Dev) Updates:* What Is ITC Research - Spirit Communication:* SP Spirit Box App At Mary Kings Close: For More Of The Above - Group: